He creates animations by taking a vast amount of photographs into the computer, cutting them out, and overlapping them. In addition to his photographs, he also uses other photographs and interviews provided by people as materials for his works, which question the nature of contemporary communication and memory through digital media and the Internet. In recent years, he has been experimenting with collaborations with other fields and creating works through workshops, exploring the expansive and collaborative aspects of a video.
Born in Kyoto in 1976. To start production of the video from ‘97. It is exhibited in film festivals and exhibitions at home and abroad.
Yuki Hayashi creates animated works by cutting and combining some of the many photographs and videos he has taken and stored on his computer. Sometimes there may be a photo that has been uploaded to the Internet to the material.He is thinking about the Internet and SNS and new media.

Semba Excel Building 5F North, 3-2-11 Kyutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0056